

Happy New Year!

January 2024

You may have been wondering when life experiences were going to get easier for you and when your hopes, dreams, and wishes were going to come true! Stay confident! Continue to be patient! The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th is bringing in some victorious energy for you! Any new ideas you have, goals you set, and projects you begin on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th are going to propel you towards much success! As for those long term hopes, dreams, wishes and goals that you’ve already had for so long…you will begin to start seeing some miraculous manifestations once both the Sun and Pluto move into the sign of Aquarius on January 20th! The next 3 months for you are going to be exceptionally lucky. It’s time to focus on appreciation and gratitude Pisces! It’s important that you put some personal efforts towards what you desire. You can’t just sit back on your laurels and have them fall into your lap. Get out there and be sociable, even though you may a bit more tired as the Sun moves through the area of your life that represents rest. What you put your attention towards can grow wonderfully. Your attention is like fertilizer on a garden. Focus your mind and heart upon what it is that you wish to receive! Your family, friends, and coworkers will support you in your efforts. New friendships will arrive to teach, guide and support you too. Is there something new that you’d like to learn? Just ask! Someone you now, or that you may meet, will gladly help. The Full Moon in Leo on January 25th will shine her bright light on the area of your life that represents your daily tasks, work environment, and your personal health. It’s important to celebrate the good health that you have and know that any ailments are on the mend. With Saturn being in your sign, along with Neptune, the beliefs, words, feelings, and thoughts that you have can turn those into your reality. If those are negative it’s time to transform them into beliefs, works, feelings and thoughts that you DO desire more of. It’s time to turn the switch off on your fears and start concentrating on your highest aspirations! A few minutes of meditation per day can help. Calm your mind, focus on your desires, and have faith in your heart. Hold the good feelings of what you wish for as if they are already in your life! When you have these good feeling vibrations inside of you then you’ll be a powerful magnet that will attract your hopes, dreams, wishes and goals into your reality! Have Fun Pisces! Big new wonderful transformations are happening for you starting right now in this wonderful month of January 2024!


December 2023

Pisces, Dear Pisces, you may long for years gone by, but if you take a good look around you, you’ll notice that you have a lot to be grateful for right now! You may spend a lot of your time waiting and watching for your ship to sail in (your hopes, dreams, wishes that matter the most to you). They are on their way! You know the old motto, “A watched pot never boils.” Stop watching the pot and start taking a good look around you, with a deep sense of appreciation for everything that IS flowing nicely in your life right now. The rest of what you desire will slowly be added into your life when you are calm and ready. Too much anticipation can overstimulate a Pisces’ nervous system. Calmness brings you opportunities. Beautiful Venus in the sign of Scorpio is stimulating your higher mind with new insights and the abilities to research topics that are of great interest to you. Traveling may be on your agenda and/or long distance conversations. With both of these topics everything will turn out fine, but you must remain patient. Both Neptune and Saturn are in your sign asking you to have Faith and some loving self-discipline. The Sun and Mars are in the sign of Sagittarius giving you energy to put towards both your home life and career. The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on Tuesday December 12th (6:32 pm ET) to bring you some new opportunities into these areas of your life. The very next day Mercury moves into retrograde motion on the 13th, in the sign of Capricorn, which may slow down, not stop, your opportunities regarding social engagements. It’s very possible for you to be invited to many, but you just don’t feel like attending. Your main focus during this Mercury retrograde in Capricorn time is in ‘re-evaluating’ your hopes, dreams, wishes and goals’ for your future. Do you really know what it is that you desire Pisces or are you just seeing what will show up and then you’ll choose? Do you desire to proactively create your life or do you desire for fate to just bring to you whatever it chooses? It’s a wise Pisces indeed who can use their creative mind and heart to attract into their lives what they desire most! First step is in appreciating where you are now in your life. Second step is in visualizing what you desire to add to it. Third step is in having faith that you have come up with the right ideas. Fourth step is being brave enough to take action when opportunities appear! A happy mind, heart, and soul creates a happy life for you; and for everyone around you! Mercury may be retrograde, but this energy will enhance your intuition even more. Go within and ask yourself for the guidance you seek. Pay attention to the signs, symbols, and dreams that will be flowing your way during this phase of time. On December 21st the Sun moves into Capricorn bringing in our new winter season; above the equator. The Sun in Capricorn brings more solar power to the area of your life that have to do with social engagements and with what you desire most. The following day on the 22nd the Sun joins completely with Mercury; which can bring you many new “Ah HA” moments throughout your day and evening. The new insights you receive can be quite subtle and yet can gift you with some amazing new insights, The following day on the 23rd Mercury moves back into the sign of Sagittarius, which is the perfect time for you to take some time off from your work. or at least to slow down on any busy schedules you may have. You deserve some relaxing time off to do what you enjoy. The perfect time to do this is from December 23rd until after January 1st; when you can truly enjoy this Christmas and New Year with those you love the most! Have Fun!

November 2023

Your Higher Mind is soaring with new ideas and desires for higher learning! You may greatly enjoy kicking back, relaxing, and listening to podcasts and videos on topics you’re interested in. Whatever new information you learn during Scorpio season you can use to enhance your life and/or career once Sagittarius season arrives. The more optimistic Sagittarius season arrives in increments with Mercury (November 10th), the Sun (November 22nd) and Mars (November 24th) all moving into higher minded Sagittarius (which is ruled by the benevolent planet Jupiter; just like your own sign is too). Communication plays a big part in your life right now. Whether through speaking, writing, and/or other platforms where you can get your ideas, comments, opinions and sentimentalities across. Don’t be shy Pisces. Others desire to hear from you. They know that whatever you have to say can enhance their lives for the better. Write that book, poems, or even song lyrics that uplift you! Don’t let anything stop you from sharing those uplifting ideas and information that you have. You may also find, mysteriously enough (yet not so mysterious for Pisces), that you receive much inspiration, insights, and channeled messages through your writing and in your dreams. Pay close attention to the messages you receive. They can have a profound meaning that can enhance your life and/or for others who are important to you. Your psychic senses are keen. Let your creativity flow in many abundant ways. Spend more time doing the hobbies you enjoy! Where it comes to receiving the support you desire and deserve…beautiful Venus is working on that with her now being in Libra. All you have to do is say “Yes” to what you know is good for you. If you find yourself in a resistant mood then you’ll only delay the progress that you so rightfully deserve. Take your time with everything you do. If you hurry then you’ll worry, which again will only stall your progress. It’s through your strong faith and belief in miracles that can calm your mind when you most need it to be. The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27th shines her bright light onto your home and family matters. With a grand sense of gratitude you can celebrate everything that has gone well in this area of your life over the past 6 months. An attitude of gratitude can help attract into your life more of what you desire most – safety, security, good health, happiness, comfort, and abundance for yourself and everyone you love!

October 2023

With everything that has been going on in the world right now, and has been going on for many years, and with you being so sensitively empathetic, you may find yourself feeling a bit worn down. Saturn in retrograde motion and Neptune too, both in your sign, are giving you the energy to set healthy boundaries for yourself. If you need to take time out of your busy life to rest and recharge then you have permission to do so. If you find others needing you too much, take a step back and take care of yourself first. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra (October 14th) is teaching you that you can’t share your resources (energy, money, time, sexuality) unless you FEEL good first. When you feel recharged then you can share yourself with others in a more vibrant way. This is a lesson you will continue to learn over the next 6 months. Setting boundaries for yourself doesn’t mean that you’re going to be totally disconnected to everyone and everything (although with the low vibe foggy energy from Neptune it can feel that way). When you are in a good mood and feel renewed you can easily share the higher vibration of Neptune (Creative Divine Love) with others in a better way. So when you need some quality time to yourself give yourself that self-care that you deserve so much. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th 4:24 pm EDT opens a new portal of energy for you in the areas of your life regarding your communication skills. Before this point in time you may have found yourself censoring yourself a lot, not saying what you truly wanted to say, staying away from giving your honest opinion. From October 28th and onward you can say what is on your mind! You can share your education and insights with others; whether they understand them or not. Your higher sense of wisdom is shining through and will continue to shine from this point onwards. From October 23rd, with the Sun/Mercury/Mars all in the sign of Scorpio, you may find your own creative intuition very keen indeed! Pay attention to the signs that come your way and the gut feelings you have about most everything. Your dreams may be more vivid too. This can be a wonderful time to advance your education in any way, especially on subjects that you find exceptionally interesting. Do what you enjoy Pisces! Your attitudes and moods determine your magnetism. Choose good ones!

July/August/September 2023

I am taking some time off to be with my family. Lots of joyful little grandkids around me daily. I will be back to writing the horoscopes in October. For those of you who desire personal sessions I am still available to do those for you. Just email me at: to set up your appointment. Blessings and Love! Michelle

June 2023

You may have a strong desire to help others to keep the peace in their lives, but there is only so much you can do. In fact, for your own peace of mind, it’s better to let them ‘just be’ and not get too involved. If someone comes to you with a dramatic situation you can help if you desire, but it’s not your responsibility to; especially if you feel that doing so is hurting yourself more than helping them. Set an example of what inner peace is truly like by being this way within yourself. When others act out in dramatic ways that speaks volumes about their personality…not your own. You can be understanding and know that this too will pass. Just don’t take their words and actions personally. The situation is much more about them than yourself. Be kind. Be healing, Again, all you need to focus upon is on maintaining your own inner peace. Arguing with others who want to be argumentative won’t accomplish anything. Let them speak their mind. Just lend a caring ear. When the situation begins to calm down they will thank you for just listening. The energy of Pluto squaring Jupiter is asking you to take good care of yourself, to realize your own self-worth, and realize that no one can offend you when you believe in yourself. The new moon in Gemini on June 18th will bring a more peaceful energy to your home and within your family. You can look forward to when the season changes on June 23rd when the Sun moves into your fellow water sign of Cancer. It’s during Cancer season (June 23rd through July 22nd) that you can have the most fun! Try to lighten up your schedule so that you can take a well earned vacation during this period of time. Be extra good to yourself this month Pisces. Your energy is very healing. Others around you may have dramatic situations going on in their lives but you don’t have to. Keep your faith strong in knowing that you are truly blessed. Love is the answer. Love is the right vibration towards turning any dire situation around towards becoming harmonious again.

May 2023

Why try so hard when you really don’t have to? You would be wise to let your desires to flow to you. When you try too hard you begin to worry. That worrisome energy gets in your way and actually stalls you. Take a deep breath, count to 10, put your faith where your fears appear. When you do this you allow healing and divine energy to flow to you, through you, and all around you towards those you love. This eclipse season is teaching you to release your old beliefs that you have to think and do things like everyone else expects. You are unique! You are creative! You have an ability to see the bigger picture of life; where others may only see specks of it. Your consciousness is expanding in many wonderful ways. You are able to tune in, tap into, this beautiful higher divine energy. Allow yourself the quality time you need to calm your mind and really pay attention to the insights that flow your way. Have you noticed that you’ve been censoring yourself (with your words; both verbal and written) during the course of this eclipse season? That’s because you probably didn’t want to say anything that might be misunderstood, although you darn well wanted to say what you knew was the truth. That’s okay, you were trying to keep the peace. As frustrating as it seemed your intentions were good. This phase of time is passing and will be over once the New Moon in Taurus arrives on May 19th. From this period of time onward you can darn well say whatever is on your mind, in a kind way of course, that you know can be beneficial for everyone. You’re not rude Pisces. You never could be. What you’ve learned through this eclipse season is that you’re actually smarter, and probably a lot wiser, than the average person. That’s because you are so aware of everything (seen and unseen) and can FEEL situations that are going on and understand their meanings. How many times have you had conversations with people who couldn’t grasp what you were saying, but they sure enjoyed listening to you and enjoyed you being their sounding board for them to listen to themselves talking to you, then they realized that you are their mirror so they can understand themselves better. This will continue, this process is an important part of who you are for others, but now you are more aware of why this occurs. Just smile and know that the best way to get others to understand you is actually through the written word. Example: Let’s say that you want to ask someone out on a date but you’re unsure how? The best reception you will receive is if you write them a nice note that they can read and re-read. Try it and see! Same holds true if you want someone in your family to do something for you. Don’t verbally ask them (they will forget) instead write them a nice note about it, in detail, with a nice Thank You and I Love You at the end. They will enjoy being cooperative with you because they feel gifted by the nice note that you wrote. Keep smiling Pisces…you’re learning some new skills! You will be happy to have these new skills in your life toolbox. It’s time to live smarter not work harder. You will realize this once Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th for the next 12 months; which is going to bring a BIG BOOST of a variety of enjoyable communications your way. You’re going to be very pleasantly busy. Make sure that you keep your phone charged! Others will be sitting on pins and needles for your responses. Be playful and have fun! Oh, side note: You don’t have to censor yourself anymore. Enjoy the process. Feel free to say whatever is on your mind, in your own personally creative unique way. You’ll have fun, others will too, through the excellent conversations you will have together. Your grand sense of humor will also be shining through! Where once was pain, you can bring others healing insights, understanding and laughter. As your self-confidence begins to bloom your close friendships/love relationships will bloom beautiful too!

April 2023

Whoever said ‘life was easy’ wasn’t really living it. People’s emotions these days are a bit testy and more fired up; under the vibrations of the Sun, Jupiter and Chiron in the sign of Aries. Some people will choose to be proactive and solution-orientated, while others will desire attention from dramatically perceived situations. For a Pisces it may feel that handling others emotions, helping them to stay focused and calm, can feel like doing a pile of dirty dishes and laundry. You get one pile washed, dried, and put away then poof there’s another pile for you to take care of. Dear Pisces, it’s truly time for you to realize your own worth and focus much more on taking care of what’s most important for yourself. Not easy when others need your assistance so much every day, but know that you can take your time and not feel overwhelmed by anyone nor anything. The attention, appreciation, respect and financial abundance you desire can more easily flow your way once the Sun joins with Jupiter on April 11th. From this point of time onward, into your future, the more you can focus on doing what you love, and loving what you do, the more good fortune will be bestowed upon you. The happier you are and the more abundant you become…the more easily it will be to share your own talents and resources with everyone. On April 20th at 12:13 a.m. EDT there is a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries. This is a rare and extra special New Moon because it is the 2nd New Moon in Aries for this year; the first one was on March 21st. As you know, a New Moon is always the perfect time to create your wish list for the next month. With this one being in the sign of Aries and also a Solar Eclipse you wish list should expand to “What IS it that I desire to manifest into my life right now and throughout the next 12 months?” Keep adding to your wish list, not just on this day but all year long! The Solar Eclipse may bring to your attention what you dislike about your life, but that’s okay because you can use any sense of discomfort and aggravation to help you to write down HOW you desire these situations to become! As you put your pen to paper you will be bringing your desires into your reality. If you just keep them in your mind and heart, and don’t write them down, then in your mind and heart they will stay for the long run – without being brought into your actual reality. So make the effort, if you choose, to use the New Moon/Solar Eclipse energy to start creating your desirable focus list. You can begin your list before your bedtime and then just keep adding to it as you recognize what your desires truly are. Also on April 20th at 12:30 a.m. the Moon will move into the earth sign of Taurus which can bring a more comfortable grounding energy. At 1:04 a.m. the Moon in Taurus squares off with Pluto in Aquarius, which may have you doubting what you truly deserve because of something that has happened to you in the past. This is just a testing vibration to see if you can forgive yourself, and others, for challenging situations from your past. Once you can understand the wisdom you’ve obtained then you can let them go. It’s time to transform your mind, heart, and soul towards feeling healthier, wealthier, wiser and free from past experiences that have been hiding in your subconscious for far too long. As you go through this process you won’t feel stuck anymore. You’ll feel like the wonderful Free Spirit that you are meant to be. Fears begone! Confidence awakens! Opportunities for life advancements begin to take place. At 4:14 a.m. the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus too! Welcome to Taurus season where honest communcation will become a priority, especially with challenging topics that you may desire not to even talk about. In fact you may find that you become a bit more verbally introverted when Mercury (planet of communication) goes retrograde from April 21st through May 14th. A good listener you will be, but you may not feel like talking much…unless the topics being discussed feel comfortably enlightening for you. You won’t be in the mood for small talk, but if the topics are about life improvements then you’ll enjoy those conversations! Retrograde Mercury in Taurus can help increase your intuition. Pay attention to any wonderful ideas and inspirations that flow your way. Your dreams may become more enjoyably vivid too. Take time each day to rest your mind. You don’t need to feel overwhelmed. Acceptance and Patience are the keys towards greater understanding for yourself and within your relationships.

March 2023

You start this month off right with the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in your sign, helping you to be more outspoken and creative than you’ve felt in a long time. Energy from a very nice conjunction of Jupiter/Venus, in the sign of Aries, can help you to have more self-love, self-care, self-appreciation, and use your creative talents towards increasing your income. You will become more aware of what belongs to you and what belongs to others as the planets move more into the sign of Aries later this month. For now it’s Pisces Season where you can shine and focus on what you need, want, desire more often. It’s time for you to celebrate your life by allowing others to celebrate your life along with you. This theme will become more highlighted under the Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th (7:40 AM ET).when she shines her bright light into your life in the area that represents your most intimate and closest relationships. This is a wonderful day and evening to have a deep appreciation for the relationships/friendships that mean the most to you. Make a point to contact these people, even just briefly, to thank them for being in your life. They will be happy that you made the connection. Less than an hour later (8:35 AM ET) Saturn moves out of the sign of Aquarius and into your sign of Pisces! Saturn will be in Pisces for the betterment of the next 3 years. Saturn in Pisces is contemplative, purposeful and grounding…teaching you to contemplate upon your Soul’s true purpose by helping you to feel more grounded (secure/confident) so that you can work towards actually doing your Soul’s purpose in this lifetime. It may sound complicated but it doesn’t have to be. What do you feel that your Soul’s purpose truly is? What do you feel that your true mission is in this lifetime that you came to accomplish? These will be questions you will be asking yourself during Saturn’s visit in Pisces. When you are on the right path then your life will flow easily. When you veer off of your path then you will feel the restrictions to get you back on the right path. You are being guided towards the right directions. Pay close attention to your intuition for the true guidance you are seeking. This is an excellent period of time for you to start keeping a dream journal. The inspirations that flows your way can help you to bring your dreams into reality, or make you aware of where you’re off course if those dreams seem to be more like nightmares. Creating the self-discipline to calm your mind (get off of the tech) by spending more quality time in nature, becoming more mindful, meditating, and strengthening your spiritual values is what Saturn in Pisces is asking from you. Big rewards will come your way with practicing these techniques. Om March 16th Venus moves into the sign of Taurus, where she loves to be, to help enhance your desires regarding quality communication with others – with siblings, friends, your community members and also will help you to take on some new studies of interest that can help you within your career (if you desire). Starting on March 19th we’re moving closer to Aries season as Mercury moves into Aries on this day. The Sun moves into Aries on March 20th (Spring Equinox) and the New Moon in Aries arrives on March 21st at 1:23 PM ET. The line up of planetary energy in the sign of Aries now is…Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Jupiter…all helping you to become more independent with a stronger sense of self-esteem, confidence, adventure, bravery, and the ability to advance your earned income through work that you enjoy doing. If, for some reason, you don’t enjoy the work that you’re doing then that’s a sign that you feel blocked until you choose to do something that you enjoy better. Moving on to March 23rd Pluto will briefly enter the sign of Aquarius (March 23rd – retrogrades on May 1st – back into Capricorn on June 11th) which will give you a glimpse of a few deep changes you need to make in regards to releasing and letting go of any past negative experiences, memories, and beliefs that you have held onto for far too long. Whatever challenging experiences you have gone through in your life so far (and even from past lifetimes) don’t define who you are…unless you believe that they do! Pluto in Aquarius can help you to finally let go of all of that so you can feel more comfortable being your own free spirit. This will be a long process – for once Pluto moves into Aquarius to stay (2025) it will remain in this sign until 2044. It won’t take you that long to give yourself permission let go of these past experiences, but will actually help you to become more detached from them without them bothering you anymore. In fact, if any new challenging experiences come your way in the future you will be more able to detach from them more quickly by having more of a nonchalant attitude. This is actually a good vibration for Pisces people who often take situations so much to heart. This doesn’t mean that you won’t care when others come to you to share their problems with you, which they will. You will actually be able to have more of a unique ‘outside of the box’ positive solution-orientated advice to give to them; which can help them to feel even more inspired and spiritually aligned. Of all of the zodiac signs…it’s you Pisces that will benefit most from Pluto moving into the sign of Aquarius. Once you overcome your fears, your intuitive abilities will become even clearer. Next up, last changing vibration for this month, is when Mars moves out of Gemini (where it has been since October 2022) and into your fellow water sign of Cancer; which brings much loving and nurturing energy into the area of your life relating to children (yours and/or others), creativity, enjoyments, hobbies, love affairs and Whatever you desire to do for FUN! Put your worries away! This is the month to celebrate who you are> Let your true self shine through like a rock star!

February 2023

Take it easy. Give yourself plenty of time. Try not to rush nor push yourself towards doing anything that can drain your energy during the first few weeks of this month. The Full Moon in Leo on February 5th shines her bright light into the health area of your life. You realize now that your truest wealth is with you having good health. Without your good health you can’t accomplish, nor enjoy, anything that you desire to do. What new things are you going to do to treat yourself better from now on? It’s perfectly okay if you don’t feel well; for that is a sign from your mind, body and spirit that “You are important, your feelings do matter, and you deserve to have whatever you need so that you can rest and heal now.” Even if you are feeling well, which is a wonderful thing, give yourself whatever you need to keep resting and healing from everything you have experienced in your life up till now. Starting on February 18th the Sun moves into your sign of Pisces. February 20th is a New Moon in Pisces! This special New Moon in Pisces (2:06 AM ET) is at 01″ degree; which truly represents New Beginnings for You! What type of new beginnings would you love to create and manifest into your life? Make yourself a special list! Just like blowing out your candles and making a wish with your birthday cake each year…no matter what your actual birth day is this New Moon in Pisces IS the time to create your new wish list for the next 12 months. You can actually light some candles, if you desire, and think of your wishes while you’re blowing them out during this beautiful New Moon in Pisces. You don’t have to do this at the exact time, you might be busy with other matters, but anytime before the Moon moves into Aries on February 22nd at 12:14 AM ET would be good. YOU are the script writer of your own life now. Happy Birthday to all Pisces! How lucky you are to have both beautiful Venus and Neptune in your sign for most of this month! You are being showered with beauty and love! Don’t worry nor fret if you can’t figure out what it is that you desire over the next 12 months. Keep it simple. What do you desire right now? Write down a topic list. Example: Good Health, Wealth and Happiness! Then you can add to your focus list anytime you desire in the future. Just make it a special personal task to start it under your New Moon vibration in Pisces. You’re looking good! You deserve to feel good too! Allow the healing vibrations to flow through you. Allow yourself the time to rest. Do not hurry nor worry. Take all of the time you need to accomplish any task, and give yourself permission to not do any task that you don’t feel like doing right now. Once the Sun and New Moon arrive in Pisces…oh yeah…you’ll be raring to move forward in your life once again in the most marvelous ways. Beautiful Venus will move through your sign until February 20th 2:56 AM ET when she will move into the sign of Aries to help stimulate your personal income, strengthen your self-confidence, and help you to allow your natural talents to shine through! Get ready for some good times to come in your life Pisces. Happy Birthday to you!

January 2023

Situations on the home front may seem quite sluggish with Mars in Gemini being in retrograde motion. These situations will improve later in the month. For now allow yourself to rest and re-evaluate what your most important hopes for your future truly are. You may hear about others confrontations, but you can avoid those. Mercury also being in retrograde motion can have other’s attitudes on edge. Try to be the soothing balm than can keep those around you in a more peaceful state of being. The cooperation you seek can be given once Mars moves back into direct motion on January 12th. The misunderstanding can begin to calm down once Mercury moves back into direct motion on January 18th. On January 20th the Sun moves into Aquarius. On the following day the New Moon in Aquarius arrives; giving you permission to retreat, meditate, heal, rejuvenate, rest, and contemplate on how many experiences you have been through over the past year. You deserve and need this time, this Aquarius season, to spend quality time with yourself (and those you love most) in ways that feel most relaxing and healing for you. You may find that certain people, places and things are not as interesting to you anymore. You’ve outgrown certain likes in your life and you’re now creating more space, within and without, for better improvements to come to you once the Sun moves into your sign of Pisces on February 18th. In the meantime, while you’re allowing yourself more of a restful healing time, you have beautiful Venus in your sign from January 26th until February 20th! Beautiful Venus loves being in the sign of Pisces! The energy of Venus helps you to tune into more self-love, self-appreciation, helps you to tune into what you desire most, and shines an abundance of beauty and love in your direction! You’re definitely blessed in the last week of January and throughout February with Venus in your sign! Allow yourself to rest and rejuvenate. You’ve earned it! You deserve it! Just go with the flow and allow the Universe to shower it’s loving light onto you! When meditating focus on the energy of LOVE!

December 2022

Who is more loving, caring, compassionate and helpful than you dear Pisces? Who could it be? Who, who, who? You are a divinely wise creative soul who can be inspired to figure out the right solutions to most everything. “Ask and you shall receive!” is definitely a Pisces theme. The only problem with that is most Pisces are so humble that they rarely, if ever, ask for anything. It’s time to be true to yourself and realize Pisces that when you ask another for assistance in some way that you’re allowing the other to earn positive energy by helping and giving to you. It’s a win/win situation for everyone involved. If you ask for something, and the other person disagrees, then you will realize that you’re asking the wrong person. Let that person go and do what they want. There will be another person who will be more than happy to fulfill your wishes. Take no personal offense from the disagreeable people, that’s just the way that they want to be. Shower your appreciation upon those who work with you as a loving spiritual family team. Who are your dearest friends? Who are the people that you know you can count on? Who are the people in your life who enjoy making you laugh and want to see you being happy? These are the people who are your spiritual tribe. More people like this will be attracted into your life in the very near future. This Sagittarius – then Capricorn – season is showing you that you deserve to be very happy, healthy, and wealthy too! The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th is aligned closely with Mars in retrograde motion. The Light from this brilliant Full Moon shines within your home environment and with your family. Take a look around you. What and whom do you appreciate most? Keep what you like and let go of the rest. This is the time to focus upon what makes you feel good so that you can fill yourself up with positive energy. The Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn on December 21st bringing in a new season of our lives. Your focus now will be on your grandest ‘hopes, dreams, wishes and goals’ and with the kind cooperative people in your life who desire to see you obtain these experiences for yourself. Your joy is there joy. Their joy is your joy. You will know quite clearly, over the next 4 weeks, who the most special people in your life truly are. The New Moon in Capricorn on December 23rd at 5:17 AM ET ushers in many new beginnings for you; where you will attract vibrant people into your life who have similar goals as yours. The goals could be anything from a loving romantic life to working for a humanitarian cause that is important for all. What are ‘your’ most important hopes, dreams, wishes and goals for you personally? Think about this question, take your time, write them down and look at your list often. Keep adding to your list if you desire. The sky is the limit to what you can acquire. Now put your belief and faith in knowing that you’re asking for what you desire from the Universe itself! As opportunities come your way will you be too shy to accept your gifts OR will you be joyfully happy and say, “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!” Put your worries away for awhile Pisces. They never served you any good anyway. It’s much better to have compassion and confidence than it ever is wasting your precious energy worrying over anything. Christmas Day has many wonderful vibrations. There are no important challenging vibes on this day at all. Sit back and relax, celebrate with those you love. Create loving memories that you can cherish for a long time to come. Mercury in Capricorn will station and then be in retrograde motion from December 29th – January 18th. During this phase of time it is important for you to pay attention to your intuition and dreams. You might feel a bit spacy, day-dreamy, introverted, but this is important so that you can rest your overstimulated mind for awhile. Envision your life the way that you desire it to become; like you’re writing a script or painting a beautiful picture in your mind which represents your life in the upcoming future. As you take the time to do this, like no other zodiac sign can ever do, you’re actually creating (in a way asking) the divine energies of the Universe to bring what you’re envisioning to you. Have fun with the process. Take your time. Don’t rush through your life, for no task is worth it if you’re not having fun. Your good health truly depends on your own ability to use your Mind over Matter to create the life that you choose to live. There is much beauty and love around you, and within you, Pisces. You can enjoy this beautiful month of December…and one day look back upon this month of your life as one of your most important months that helped you to perceive your life in a whole brand new way.

*Special Note for my clients who love getting readings with me, now is the time to get in on my 2022 Holiday Bogo Sale

November 2022

Count your lucky starts Pisces! Jupiter is back in your sign again! Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion is back in the home sign of Pisces where it loves to be! You should see your own life expanding again and opportunities flowing your way that you will enjoy!

You also start out this month with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all in your sister sign of Scorpio; which stimulates your higher creative mind and allows you to feel braver and more adventurous. You could possibly hear from people you haven’t talked to in a long time…maybe even some people who live far away from your location. It’s always nice to reunite with people who have been thinking about you. Your kindness and generosity towards them will return to you 10 fold.

You really don’t have to work that hard while the planetary energies are moving through Scorpio. Allow opportunities to come your way without you feeling that you need to chase after any of them. Take it easy Pisces. After all the energy of Mars in Gemini is in retrograde motion. You need some quiet time to meditate upon what is most important for yourself, without worrying about what other people are up to. Try to avoid being caught up in any gossip. You know what is truthful for you. Stand strong on your own positive beliefs. Many Pisces, during Mars retrograde season (which will last until January 12th, but not be back into full swing forward motion until March 12th 2023) may desire to become more home-bodies during this phase of time. Even just going out to the store for a quick errand may feel like a chore. Luckily there are delivery services if you just want to stay home. There’s nothing wrong with you, so don’t think that, if you feel more lethargic and/or anti-social than you have been before. Actually this is a good time of your life Pisces which you should enjoy. There’s nothing wrong with slowing down the tempo of your life so that you can mindfully enjoy what you’re doing right in front of you. This is not a time for multi-tasking, nor having long winded conversations with people whom you’re not interested in talking to. Now comes a special time where you get to choose who and what is most important to you! (And, special side note: You’re putting yourself first on the top of your focus list of who you are choosing to take care of first.) Another aspect of Mars retrograde in Gemini can be that you slowly choose to redecorate your home, getting rid of items that you no longer need so that you can create more sacred space for yourself and your family.

On Tuesday, November 8th, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus arrives (6:02 AM EST) and shining her bright light into your life in the area that represents your communication skills. Do you realize how powerful your words are to others? You words truly can be a strong force of inspiration, comfort, and healing which others appreciate Pisces! If you haven’t realized this yet…you sure will begin to once this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse energy arrives, which will open a new positive portal of energy for you for the next 6 months.

The Sun will move into the sign of Sagittarius on November 22nd and on the following day the New Moon in Sagittarius arrives! This new Sagittarius energy will help to bring you more enthusiasm towards having an even more positive outlook on your life and within your career. Both Venus and Mercury will also be in Sagittarius which will help you even more to increase your income. Keep up the good work Pisces. The more naturally joyful and enthusiastic you can be…the more every area of your life will begin to turn around in your favor. Have fun!

October 2022

You start this month off right with both the Sun and beautiful Venus in Libra desiring you to have a better life. Do you desire to have a life filled with more beauty, love and prosperity? Of course you do! With an attitude of gratitude just say, “Thank You” then step back and watch opportunities come your way. You are more appreciated than you know! Let others be giving to you during this wonderful time. Mercury moves direct on October 2nd which greatly helps you to get your life back on track. Relationships begin to improve. Pay attention to that. The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th shines her bright light into the area of your life that has to do with your self-esteem, self-confidence, creative talents, earned income and everything that you hold personally valuable. Take a good look around you and with your head held high try to realize that what you see, enjoy, and own IS yours for an important reason. You’ve earned it! You deserve it! You’ve accomplished so much; that you don’t often give yourself credit for but from this point of time onward you will! Both the Sun and Venus move into the sign of Scorpio on October 23rd, which will greatly help you to discover and uncover your hidden sense of courage and wisdom. On October 25th the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio takes place. You will soon see that through new studies, inspiration, communication, publishing, higher education and using your higher mind that situations that seemed a bit grim to you before start turning around in your favor. All of those hopes, dreams, wishes and goals that you’ve had for so very long, that maybe you thought would never happen for you, begin to bloom forth like a beautiful flower garden. Keep hanging onto your strong sense of faith and love. Remain patient. Patience is the key to your inner sense of calm, ease, and inner peace; especially while Mars is retrograde from October 30th-January 12th (stations) and beings to move full steam ahead in mid-March of 2023. The area of your life where you’ll need to be the most patient will be with your family, home, house, and with any real estate matters. Changes are taking place, the changes that you desire, but slowly…oh so slowly. Try to be okay, or more than okay, with how things already are. Then you will be able to make those important changes you desire one baby step at a time.

September 2022

You may feel disappointed over a situation while Mercury is retrograde from September 9th-October 2nd. You may desire for your life to move forward while others may be impeding on your agenda. You do have the patience to wait things out, for the time when you can do what you really want to do, especially if it’s for the good of the whole; or someone who means a lot to you. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 10th is trying to teach you that the main thing is to try not to build up any resentments. The message is to celebrate your own brilliance and bide your time, because in your future situations will begin to turn around in your favor. October 22nd brings in a brand new season of your life when the Sun moves into the sign of Libra. It’s time to ‘allow’ others to give to you, show their appreciation for you, for everything that you’ve done for them in the past. All negotiations should be fair, but if you feel that you desire something that someone isn’t aware that you need…you need to speak up, just ask, then you will be surprised at the support you will receive. If anyone feels that you’re asking for too much then the lesson is for them to learn how to understand you better. The New Moon in Libra on September 25th can bring more harmony into your life. You are very blessed Pisces. You just need to keep reminding yourself of this.

August 2022

You may be in the habit of putting yourself last, but for the first 2 weeks of this month it’s more important to learn how to put yourself 1st. Taking good care of your self and your health needs to be on the very top of your ‘to do’ list. You may have a million reasons why this can’t be done, that others need to come first, but with the Sun in Leo it is truly time for you to make yourself a priority. When you feel good then, and only then, will you be able to share your abundant energy with others. The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11th may have you feeling more introverted. That’s perfectly okay. You need some quality time for rest and to spend quality time alone. On August 22nd the Sun will move into your opposite sign of Virgo, giving you the energy you need to spend quality time with the ones you love the most! You will desire to, especially once the New Moon in Virgo arrives on August 27th. From this point of time and onward you can spend lots of quality time with your significant other(s) who bring joy into your life. You will also notice that you are sifting and sorting through who are your friends and those who pretend to be. Only if someone is genuinely sincere to you will you choose to spend quality time with them. It’s okay to be picky Pisces. You’re learning to set some very healthy boundaries.

July 2022

Why do you second guess yourself so much Pisces? All you have to do is just BE you and know that no matter what is going on it’s all just fine. You don’t need to do more than your share of anything in order to make others happy. What they desire most is for you to relax and just be your natural happy self more often. When mistakes happen, as they sometimes do, don’t take it personal. You know that you’re a perfectionist at heart but those little mistakes also show others that you’re human too. Kick your shoes off, let your hair down, get into some comfortable clothes. This is the month where you’re meant to enjoy your life more often. The Sun in Cancer is highlighting the area of your life which represents creativity, children, hobbies, love affairs and what you enjoy doing for FUN! Pay attention to this nurturing energy for yourself. Allow yourself to have fun! Soon enough the Sun will move into the sign of Leo and get you back to work (more on that later). On July 5th at 2:25 AM EDT (adjust for your time zone) Mercury will move into the sign of Cancer too; where others in your life will desire to join with you and have some fun too for the next few weeks. On Wednesday July 13th at 2:38 PM EDT the Full Moon in Capricorn shines her bright light into the area of your life that represents your most important ‘hopes, dreams, wishes and goals.’ Celebrate the ones that have already come to pass with a grand attitude of gratitude. Focus your mind and heart upon the ones that you desire to manifest into your life in the near future. A beautiful vibration comes your way when Venus moves into your sister water sign of Cancer on the evening Sunday July 17th. From this evening onward you can begin to truly enjoy your life more easily. Love is in the air around you. People will desire to have fun with you! It’s time to focus on how you desire to live your life more enjoyably for the next few weeks. On Friday July 22nd the Sun moves into the passionate sign of Leo (oh here we go Pisces)…when you’re meant to use your creatively passionate skills to take care of your personal health, your daily duties and within your career. Do you realize yet how much healing power you truly have within you? The Sun rules the sign of Leo, that Solar Leo Power, can help you to heal yourself and others too! (That’s why so many Pisces people work within the healing and medical fields). You will really begin to feel this drive to heal and succeed once the New Moon in Leo arrives on Thursday July 28th at 1:55 PM EDT. A New Moon time is always the best time to write down a very special list for yourself of what you desire to do, have, become and attract into your life over the next few weeks. Do you have an ailment that you desire to be healed? Do you desire to understand more about your own healing energy that you were born with? Do you desire to work smarter not harder and with a grander sense of enjoyment? YES is the answer to all of the questions above if you’re a Sun sign, Moon sign, or Rising sign Pisces. Put on your party hat and your dancing shoes Pisces. Opportunities come your way for you to enjoy your life more often starting today!

June 2022

Sun in Gemini, Mercury back in direct motion on June 3rd; which means situations regarding home/family/real estate will begin to move nicely forward once again. Where communication may have been blocked. and/or dire family situations took place, that is all over once Mercury moves back into direct motion again. Think peace, harmony, calm, healing, recovery time. The following day on June 4th Saturn will go retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. Saturn enjoys being in the sign of Aquarius so this won’t be too difficult a time until Saturn turns direct on October 28th. For you, during this phase of time, is an excellent time for you to give yourself permission to sit back, relax, and rejuvenate. No longer do you need to pressure yourself nor allow others to pressure you. You can do things at your own pace. You can choose to do projects that you enjoy. “No hurries no worries” is a good theme for this Saturn retrograde in Aquarius for you. Let others support you for awhile. You will still be of service when you feel the inner desire to do so. Slow down, relax, meditate, get more sleep. Enjoy this time of your life. On Tuesday June 14th the Full Moon in Sagittarius shines her bright light into the area of your life that represents your career and reputation out in the world. The sign of Sagittarius is ruled by benevolent Jupiter (which is currently in Aries highlighting your earned income and self confidence). This Full Moon in Sagittarius will help you to beautifully realize that all you have to do is just BE YOU and allow good fortune to flow into your life. Once again, repeats the theme from last month, can you ‘learn’ to receive without feeling that you have to work 150% to earn 50% anymore? Hopefully you’ll say YES because you have A LOT of Good Karma stored up (picture a huge treasure chest filled with good cosmic points just for you)! Just BE You and enjoy your life. Can you do that? Can you practice doing that? Maybe do some yoga or at least some daily stretching so that you can expand your own inner potential to receive? Yours is the sign that is the hardest to give anything to. Not that you’re not grateful because you are overly grateful! Someone can give you a rock and you would treasure it for the rest of your life. Now come a time to expand your horizons and realize that you deserve so much more! The energy of Pluto in Capricorn is helping you to do this. This energy is helping you to transform your hopes, dreams, wishes and goals into ones where you can expand your life and be like the Pheonix Bird rising from the ashes from all of the pain and suffering you have felt throughout your life. Bye-bye to the past. Hello to your brighter future. All you have to do is relax and allow yourself to receive. Neptune in your sign will sometimes make you feel tired and foggy brained for a reason; that’s so you’ll get out of your own head and stop worrying and working so hard! Unconditional Self-Love is within you and all around you now. You will continue to feel this lovely energy when the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer on June 21st, which highlights the area of your life that relates to creativity, children, hobbies, love life and anything and everything that you do for enjoyment! You’ll begin to feel this even more profoundly once the New Moon in Cancer arrives on June 28th. Enjoyment equals enlightenment for you! Allow yourself to enjoy your life more often from June 21st through July 22nd! If you can then you’re going to feel happier and healthier when the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd. If you don’t allow yourself this enjoyable time of your life then you will look back and wish you had! Be good to yourself. There’s only one amazing YOU. Keep smiling!

May 2022

An unexpected situation calls on you to be helpful and patient. It may feel like bad news at the time, but no matter what the matter is you can handle it with decorum and grace. You may have to set aside your own desires to help others during this phase of time. But you have the power within you to be of great service to others. Use your inner wisdom to intuitively know what needs to get done and what others need from you. Your personal creative talents will come shining through. You may even surprise yourself that you could handle things so well. Be as practical as you can be when the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus takes place on May 16th. The theme of this vibration, which will last for the next 6th months, for your sign Pisces is ‘good compassionate communication.’ Others will appreciate you for your abilities to help them to feel more comfortable and secure. Keep up the good works Pisces. It’s not easy, you’re very empathetic, you feel within you how others feel when they are both happy and distressed. As you transform the uncomfortable emotions within you then you are also helping to heal those who are connecting with you. You are not meant to hold onto their grief for them, nor can you make them do anything that they are not ready to do, but you can transform (heal) the wounds by helping yourself to feel better. Your divine gift of being an energetic healer is becoming more apparent to you. This theme will continue over the next 6 months and will get easier and easier for you to naturally do as time goes on. Love for self, love for others, and with the greatest sense of compassion you help others more than you know. Please know that you are deeply appreciated. Good fortune divinely comes your way with Neptune in your sign and Jupiter flowing so nicely with Mars in the sign of Aries. All you have to do is say YES to receiving; which is a huge lesson for you when you’re always the giver.

April 2022

You can expect the unexpected this month; when you think about something you need or want and it just seems to show up! It may not be exactly as you had planned, but may be something even better if you keep an open heart and mind. Whatever it is you will be pleasantly surprised and grateful! You can thank the energies of Jupiter and Neptune for bringing you these lovely surprises and opportunities! You don’t even have to try very hard while Mars is flowing through the sign of Aquarius. In fact you may feel a bit more lethargic until Mars moves into your sign on April 15th. The following day on April 16th (2:55 PM EDT) the Full Moon in Libra shines her bright light into the area of your life that has to do with joint resources (a sense of give and take between you and another) in regards to finances (what you receive from others) and sexuality (sharing you body/mind/senses/sensuality with another). This Full Moon is beautiful in Libra (rules by Venus) and with Venus in your sign now Pisces this energy is exceptionally highlighted in a very fortunate way for you! The next wonderful aspect you can look forward to is the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on April 30th (7:23 PM EDT) in the sign of Taurus which opens a postal of good communication (also good news) to flow to you on this evening and over the next few months. The key to your vibrant happiness, good health, and success is truly stimulated by you keeping your faith strong, your energy vibrant, your thoughts positive and with you being willing to receive whatever it is that your heart desires to say “Yes” to. You are planting the garden of your life now Pisces. The more self-value you have for yourself, the happier you will be. You desire others to value who you are right? That self-value starts within you! Whatever, or whomever, you feel might be holding you back from being all that you desire to be…just let that go, release it, then replace that space in your heart with your most important hopes, dreams, wishes and goals. Smile Pisces! Situations are definitely flowing in your favor.

March 2022

This is your month to shine Pisces! Happy Birthday and New Solar Cycle of your life to you! “You’re not just getting older, you’re actually getting better” says the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in your sign. Give yourself permission to allow positive changes come into your life. Focus on what is most important to you and then choose to spend quality time doing these things more often. This is your month to focus on your most important wishes when you blow out your birthday candles. What you focus upon each day can, and will, grow more abundantly in your life starting this month. Keep your thoughts positive Pisces. Give yourself permission to have more fun! Your creative energy is flowing brightly rightly now. You can accomplish anything you set your mind upon doing.

February 2022

You’re in a lower energy, quite sleepy and dreamy vibe, for much of this month. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st gives you permission to kick back and relax; to live your life at your own pace, to meditate a lot and receive divine inspiration. Energies from the Capricorn planets – Mercury/Venus/Mars/Pluto – are all stimulating the area of your life that represents your focus on what your hopes, dreams, wishes and goals really are. Mercury has been retrograde for the past few weeks which may have made you feel very uncertain about what any of those topics even mean for yourself. Oh you had some ideas, but then maybe you forgot. Your mind may have been more on basic survival topics than on anything else. Or you may have desired BIG hopes, dreams, wishes and goals that ended up depressing you because you couldn’t see how you’d ever be able to obtain any of those! (Can we all say, “Thank You Mercury Retrograde…ugh”). Well, that’s all about to turn around in your favor once Mercury moves back into direct motion starting on February 3rd. Try to continue to be patient because it takes some time (February 16th to be exact) for Mercury to be completely back in full-swing forward motion; which will bring you the clarity you desire to not only ‘know’ what your hopes, dreams, wishes and goals are but to also be able to obtain them more easily. Luckily and lovingly both Venus and Mars are also flowing through this area of your life; which means your focus on positive energy and true love are very important to you…not only right now but for your whole life through. Once you begin to see situations changing in your life for the better then your faith will grow stronger, your opportunities will grow, and the security you desire (within yourself, your home, health, career, and relationships) can be obtained. These opportunities that come your way can change your life for the better! All you have to do is be ready to say, “Yes!” to them. Do you believe in yourself? Is your self-esteem strong enough? Can you handle the responsibilities of actually obtaining what you desire so much? Chiron in Aries (which is the area of your life that represents your self-esteem/personal income) may have had you feeling wounded, especially regarding past experiences, but your wisdom is truly obtained when you look within and realize how truly valuable you are…to yourself first and many others! The stronger your positive sense of self-esteem the more apt you will be to say “YES!” to your most important hopes, dreams, wishes and goals. It’s during this time, while the Sun is in Aquarius, that your empathy towards yourself and others is obtained. As your own emotional/mental wounds heal you are able to help empathize and heal the wounds of others. No other sign can do this so well as that of a Pisces. The Full Moon in Leo arrives on February 16th shining her bright light into the area of your life that represents your daily duties and your health. You will know more clearly why you may feel out of sorts and which duties are worth your efforts. It’s so important for you to take good care of yourself Pisces. You truly are your own healer. Luckily good fortune is shining on you with the energy of Jupiter and Neptune both in your sign now. Allow your self-care and self-love to be your top priorities. The more valuable you are to yourself the healthier you will become. The powerful Sun moves into your sign on February 18th which can help you to feel rejuvenated once again! Happy New Solar Cycle Pisces! You are truly blessed! A new positive portal of energy opens for you which can make the next 4 weeks be the best times of your life yet!

January 2022

Your 2 ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, are both in your sign! These wonderful energies from your 2 ruling planets gives you a nice boost of loving good fortune! Slowly, oh so slowly, you are learning to focus on your hopes, dreams, wishes and goals. Your tribe will arrive once you feel aligned with what is most important to you. The cosmic support you seek is definitely with you. What is it that you desire most? What do you feel would make you happiest? You may say that you desire everyone you love to be healthy and happy and that would make you feel best. Those are very good intentions Pisces. Your prayers have been heard. But what about YOU? What do YOU really want…for yourself? Take some time to move your energy inward. Do you realize how truly important you are to yourself? If you haven’t realized that quite yet you certainly will during this month of January. Do you desire good health, happiness, beauty within you and around you, loving relationships, financial success and security? Of course you do! With an ‘attitude of gratitude’ each day focus on the good health, happiness, beauty, love, financial success and the security that you already have. Whatever you place your attention upon most will be what continues to abundantly grow; especially with Jupiter in your sign now! It’s green light GO for you Pisces where it comes to attracting opportunities into your life! Starting on January 19th the Sun will move into the sign of Aquarius; which is a very quiet contemplative period of time for you. This is an excellent time to be creative. An excellent time for writing, creating music and doing whatever it is that you love to do. Whatever you enjoy doing by yourself is highlighted. This is not an exceptionally social period of time, but you will enjoy spending quiet time by yourself. You are learning to say, “YES” to your own abilities and to create success from using your unique talents. You will feel more in the mood for implementing them once the Sun moves into your sign on February 18th and onward throughout the year. In the meantime allow yourself to rest and rejuvenate Pisces. You’ve gone through a lot in your life so far. You need healing time to process your life experiences and emotions. Good luck and good fortune are with you this year. You are loved. You are important and your feelings do matter. Step 1 and 2 are in learning to be extra good to yourself and figuring out what it IS that would really make you feel healthier and happier within each day of your life. What you believe you will receive and be able to achieve this year.

By Michelle Anne Cox-Lomas

Professional Astrologer/Intuitive Spiritual Counselor. 40+ years of experience with clients from all over the world. I love to read, write, research, and share my knowledge with others. Check out my free website at:

2 replies on “Pisces”

This is so exciting!!! You have been missed. I hope the return means that you are doing well. Your fans have missed you!

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